Why religion and politics should never be mixed in a globalised and digitised world

Religion and politics, two fundamental pillars of human society, with contrasting priorities, have experienced significant shifts in the context of globalization, digitization, and unprecedented demographic movements. While historically intertwined, these domains are increasingly distinct in the contemporary world due to these transformative processes.

Globalization has redefined the boundaries and interactions of societies. The rapid exchange of ideas, goods, and services across borders has created a more interconnected world, yet it has also emphasized the cultural and ideological differences between societies. In this globalized context, religion often serves as a marker of cultural identity, providing a sense of continuity and stability amid rapid change. Political systems, on the other hand, are tasked with managing these changes, creating policies that can accommodate diverse populations and global economic shifts. As a result, while religion remains deeply rooted in tradition, politics must adapt and evolve quickly to address new challenges and opportunities. This divergence in pace and focus underscores the growing separation between religion and politics.

Digitization has further accentuated this divide. The digital age has democratized access to information and facilitated unprecedented levels of communication and connectivity. Religion, traditionally disseminated through established institutions and rituals, now faces competition from a plethora of digital platforms offering diverse spiritual and secular content. This democratization can dilute traditional religious authority and promote individualized spirituality, which may not align neatly with political agendas that require broad, cohesive support for policy implementation. Conversely, politics has embraced digitization to enhance governance, from digital voting systems to social media campaigns. The rapid dissemination of political information and engagement through digital platforms requires a level of responsiveness and adaptability that traditional religious institutions may struggle to match.


Demographic movements, driven by economic, environmental, and political factors, have also played a significant role in differentiating religion and politics. Mass migrations introduce diverse religious beliefs into new regions, challenging existing religious and political structures to adapt to multicultural realities. For instance, the influx of refugees into European countries has necessitated political policies that promote integration and social cohesion while respecting religious freedoms. In this dynamic circumstances, religion provides a personal and communal sense of belonging and identity for migrants, while politics must navigate the practicalities of governance, such as immigration laws, social services, and national security.

Furthermore, demographic changes within countries, such as ageing populations in the West and youth bulges in the Global South, demand tailored political responses that may not align with traditional religious teachings. Political leaders must address the economic and social needs of diverse age groups, while religious institutions may struggle to remain relevant to younger, digitally-savvy and tech-savvy generations who might seek spirituality outside conventional frameworks.

To sum up, the age of globalization, digitization, and demographic shifts has magnified the differences between religion and politics. Religion remains a source of cultural identity and personal meaning, grounded in tradition and continuity. Politics, however, must navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world, adapting to new economic realities, technological advancements, and diverse populations. While both domains continue to influence each other, their roles and functions are increasingly distinct, shaped by the unique demands and opportunities of the contemporary global landscape.

George John