All job aspirants who aspire to go to progressive nations to study, work or to migrate should aim at a high score in these mandatory Global English exams. Of course, youtube channel players occasionally celebrate breaking news just for their financial gains:




All these are only partial truth.

I have been teaching all these exams for 26 years and have been dealing with many consultancies who facilitate students and migrants in reaching their dream destinations.

Many occasions in the past, I could read these baseless news and experienced that only when students get a high band can succeed in getting admission in the college of their preference and succeed in getting visa to these rich nations.

As such, I earnestly request you to separate wheat from chaff and learn the truth. Consult sensible experts who are in this field at least for a few years and then you take your own decisions.

Now we have a good number of candidates from abroad taking online training from us on IELTS, OET, PTE & TOEFL. Please note that there are only very few training centres in these developed nations and they charge huge sums of money for training candidates for a few hours on certain days. Their priority is not your success but what they get in financial terms.

Media in general, social media in particular, seem to be not taking any responsibility if anything goes wrong in your life when you reach abroad because of their baseless news.

Unfortunately, in the midst of explosion of information and when the truth is available at your fingertip, please find the the truth from any official website and consultancies with some credibility.

Taking these exams before you fly from here would be better because :

1. A high band in these exams will help you get your visa easily.

2. A good score will help you get admission in prestigious institutions.

3. Once you complete your education, of all your certificates the most valuable one will be your IELTS or an equal certificate in global exams.

4. During the time of getting a rewarding part time jobs or when attempting for promotion your high band will have a great impact in moulding your future.