How to get a good score in global English exams such as IELTS, OET, PTE, and TOEFL?

In this fast changing world, which has witnessed many an unprecedented phenomenon such as a large number of migration – demographic movements – from developing nations to progressive nations, and the overwhelming impact of the Internet and globalisation, the need for English is certainly on the increase. It is the only global language for effective international communication, global trade for co-existence, tourism, for transnational governance, for higher education and research.

Since the world is now globalised, proficiency in English is a valuable asset to open doors for better career opportunities. For many, proving English proficiency is a prerequisite, often fulfilled through standardized exams such as IELTS, OET, PTE, and TOEFL. These exams assess different aspects of English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking and listening. Here are some essential tips to help you prepare effectively on these English global exams for a higher band score:

Each exam has its unique format and structure. Familiarize yourself with the test format, duration and its scoring criteria. Knowing what to expect will help you make your preparation strategies accordingly.


Take practice tests in an institute at least for two months to gauge your current English proficiency level and to improve your skills in all the 4 modules. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your preparation efforts on areas that need improvement.

Establish realistic goals for your exam preparation. Break down your study plan into manageable tasks, setting specific targets for each skill area.

Enhance your vocabulary by regularly reading English newspapers and magazines. Create flashcards or use vocabulary apps to memorize new words and their meanings.
Additionally, practise using these words in context to improve your retention ability.

Develop your reading comprehension skills by reading a variety of texts, including articles, essays and academic papers. Focus on understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and the author’s tone and purpose. Practise summarizing and paraphrasing passages to enhance comprehension.

Listen to English podcasts, news broadcasts and audio recordings to improve your listening comprehension. Pay attention to accents, intonation, and contextual meaning of words. Take notes while listening, and practise summarizing the main points of audio material.

Dedicate time to writing practise essays, reports, and summaries. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. You should also learn to brainstorm ideas, organize your thoughts logically and to present coherent arguments. Seek feedback from your instructors to identify areas for improvement.

To refine your practise in speaking, speak in English regularly with those who know English well. Focus on fluency, pronunciation and on your ability to articulate. Record your speaking, and listen to identify areas for improvement. Find time to participate in mock speaking tests to simulate exam conditions and build confidence.

Regularly take full-length practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment. Review your answers and analyze your mistakes to understand your weak areas.

Consider enrolling in an English language institution to receive personalized guidance and support. Experienced instructors can provide valuable feedback, tailored study plans, and effective strategies to improve your exam performance.

Managing time effectively itself is an art, and that must be learnt spending a lot of time. Develop time management skills to ensure you complete each section of the exam within the allotted time. Practise pacing yourself during practice tests and prioritize questions based on difficulty and point value.

On the day of the exam stay calm and confident. Get plenty of rest the night before, eat a nutritious breakfast, and arrive at the test center early to reduce exam stress. Remember to breathe deeply and focus on your preparation, knowing that you have done your best to succeed.

With dedication, practice and perseverance, you can achieve your desired score and unlock exciting global opportunities for academic and professional advancement.

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