Geopolitical changes are but a reality. Breakthroughs in science and technology, especially the internet & AI have transformed the world to be a single unit. Then, there is a great need for a single language, single currency & single governance.
English has already occupied that position of a global language and another language is not even anyway close to it. Realities must be accepted.
Although the UK is no longer a member of the European Union, English still remains to be an OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of EU. This may seem ILLOGICAL, but there are several valid reasons for THIS. They are enumerated below for your perusal.
You can also read: English Proficiency: Key to Success in a Globalized World
First and foremost, English has become the global language of international business, anything progressive, the language of research, of higher education, science, of UN and diplomacy.
It is widely spoken and understood by people from diverse backgrounds, making it a practical choice for communication among even the EU officials AND its citizens.
In addition, many EU member states, such as Ireland, Malta and Cyprus have English as an official language and it is widely spoken by their people.
Moreover, the EU has a significant body of laws, regulations and documents already translated into English, making the use of another language almost impractical.
Therefore, despite the UK’s departure from the EU, English will likely to remain an official language of the EU due to its widespread use and practicality. It must be realised that English is not just the language of that small island, the UK, but it has become the language of communication between nations, mainly because of geopolitical changes and the presence well-knit economies. English offers a great relief even for the Chinese and Argentinians to excel in the world of business and in day-to-day communication for millions of people across the world.
The earlier you learn it, the better it is. English is here to stay, however hard you struggle to throw it out into oblivion!
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